Redhair sexy english Woman. All done with english pencils, colors and paper, so the description must be also in english
This is one of my ‚M. Muehlstein‘ new drawings in the year 2008 and I think with the time my drawings and paintings would be better. First, I draw with a normal pencil the contours of the head, nose, eyes, mouth and lips. At the next I tried to draw the arms, the body and hands. The Hands were a very difficult drawing. I don’t know why, but it does not work so that I thought. I think I correct the hands ‚fingers‘ three times until it was hunky-dory. In my opinion I think the woman is more erotic, when she is not naked and the secret places of a woman or a man are hidden with sexy slips or anything else. The black underwear is a complete body from slip to brassiere. The red nightdress was amazingly simple to draw, only the brassiere was a little bit complicated. In this painting I do not used so many crayons. With different pressure on the pencils I created the shadows and the colour differences. The red hair sexy Woman is a done from a saw of three different women into a television magazine and for some details I gave my fantasy full scope. |
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